Here are a few things people have written to World Wide Smiles:

Dear David,

On behalf of all who came to the meeting, we would like to give a big thank you to you for giving us such a happy and interesting afternoon. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed your talk and we wish you continued success with your charity work and bringing a smile to people’s faces.

Yours sincerely,

Rosemary Rose

British Gas (Coventry)

Very dear Bluey:

Thank you so very much for your kind message. I appreciate it and enjoy very much.

I was taking a very careful look at the World Wide Smiles website. I cried a lot, and at the same time, it makes me happy to know that there are people out there who have such a big heart as to do what you do. To take a smile, a little happiness, to children who go through such a hard life, is a blessing, a gift from God indeed. If I appreciated and respected you before as a Clown, now I respect you, I admire you as an incredible human being, I thank you for such a job. God bless you, your partners in that mission, and all the people you make laugh in those regions, so much in need of laughter…

I don’t want to take any more of your time, even though I hope you already caught up on all your e-mails !!!. Ha ha ha !!!.

I like the changes you made in your website in the last few days, the photos are great !!!.

Please take care, keep in touch, my best wishes for you and your lovely wife.

A Clown hug from your friend


Marcelo Melison


Hello our Big FRIENDS!

Sorry I’m writing so late but a have a lot of things to do at my Uniwersity.

Once again big “Thank You” for you arrival to Poland.

You made very good job and you made kids smiling.

Please don’t stop doing things you do the best !!

We hope that time you have spent in Poland was nice for you.

Always you are our guests in Poland.

We hope that we meet together somewhere in the future.

Lot of kisses


Michal, Ewa, Sabina & Bokdan (dr Wodka 🙂

P.S. for Maria: Remember: “Clowns they have czerwony nose” – NOT KRASNY !!!!! :)))

Thank you 1

Thank you 2

